About The Author and Sky Health Academy

An inspiring and symbolic image depicting a man as a seasoned leader, with a visual representation of his career full of experiences gathered over the years. The man stands confidently in the foreground, dressed in professional attire, symbolizing leadership and success. Behind him is a collage of various scenes from his past career experiences, including moments of teamwork, innovation, and significant achievements. These scenes are rendered in a slightly transparent, memory-like quality, indicating their place in his past. Ahead of him, the image opens into a bright, expansive horizon, glowing with the light of a rising sun. This symbolizes the bright future and new opportunities that lie ahead, demonstrating optimism and potential for continual growth and achievement.

As a recognized thought leader in Medical Affairs within the pharmaceutical industry, my journey has been both enriching and enlightening. With a career that began as a physician and evolved through various facets of Medical Affairs, I have navigated the complexities and embraced the multifaceted challenges of this dynamic field. My experiences span from being part of a field medical team to leading significant regions, each role offering unique insights and learning opportunities.

Throughout my career in Medical Affairs, I have witnessed firsthand the evolving landscape of the pharmaceutical industry. This journey has not only been about adapting to changes but also about contributing to them. The transition from a clinical setting to the corporate world of pharmaceuticals presented its own set of challenges and learnings. It required a shift in perspective – from patient-centric clinical care to a broader view that encompasses drug development, regulatory compliance, and market strategies, all while maintaining the core essence of patient welfare and scientific integrity.

One of the most significant aspects of my experience has been understanding and navigating the role of a physician within the pharmaceutical industry. This role is far from straightforward; it involves a delicate balance of medical expertise, ethical considerations, and business acumen. The journey has been about understanding the intricacies of drug development, the importance of evidence-based medicine in shaping marketing strategies, and the critical role of Medical Affairs in bridging the gap between clinical development and commercial success.

My career has been a testament to the fact that a job in Medical Affairs is far from monotonous. It is a career path filled with continuous learning, growth, and the opportunity to make a tangible impact on patient care and healthcare outcomes. From engaging with key opinion leaders to strategizing for new drug launches, every step has been a learning experience, contributing to my growth as a professional and as an individual. Now, as I reflect on these years of diverse experiences, I am driven by the desire to share my learnings with the coming generations. My aim is to shed light on the challenges and rewards of being a physician in the pharmaceutical industry, to offer insights into the multifaceted nature of Medical Affairs, and to guide those embarking on this career path. It is my belief that these experiences are not just personal milestones but valuable lessons for those who aspire to make a difference in this field.

My commitment to sharing my experience in Medical Affairs was the driving force behind the conception of Sky Health Academy. This platform is a manifestation of my desire to impart knowledge and insights gained from a rich career in the pharmaceutical industry. Sky Health Academy stands as an educational resource, offering a space where professionals can access a lot of learning resources, insights, and guidance. It is designed to be more than just a platform; it's a community where knowledge is shared, challenges are discussed, and the future of Medical Affairs is shaped by collective wisdom and experience. My vision for Sky Health Academy is to create an environment that not only educates but also inspires and empowers the next generation of professionals in the pharmaceutical industry.

In sharing my journey, I hope to inspire, educate, and pave the way for future leaders in Medical Affairs, ensuring that the legacy of dedication, innovation, and ethical practice continues to thrive in the pharmaceutical industry.

"The opinions and thoughts expressed on this blog are solely my own and do not reflect the views or positions of any organization, entity, or academic institution."

Yasser El Dershaby


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